Clear Asahi


Japanese: クリアアサヒ (KURIA ASAHI)

Brewery: Asahi

Style: Happoushu lager

ABV: 5%

Price: 134円

Strapline: “Brewed from quality ingredients by using our pure cultured yeast and our advanced brewing techniques.”

So we begin. Note the price difference. I don’t know how they make this, so I have no choice but to speculate. I’m reminded of the whiff you get from cold rice that’s become a starchy mess in the bottom of a cooking pot when you’ve forgotten to wash up the night before. Perhaps resourceful Asahi has found a use for this waste product – tipping some yeast in, replacing the lid and forgetting about it again.

I suspect the reality is worse.

It’s not undrinkable. It’s just that it doesn’t really taste of anything. And since I’m not Heidegger, I am incapable of writing book-length discussions of Nothing. It’s better than bleach but not as good as old tea. Look elsewhere.

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